Reviews of CD ...through the green fuse…
The rhythmic energy here was arresting.
Austin American-Statesman Review
Robert Bode, conductor – Ohio State University
Choral Arts Northwest, retired
Reviews of CD ...through the green fuse…
“Feet o' Jesus,” a poignant a cappella expression full of vibrant, sometimes pungent harmonies...
Classics Today.com
John Jost, conductor – Bradley University, retired
Reviews of CD ...through the green fuse…
"Song for Billie Holiday," a supple blend of lyrical modernism and blues style. One could imagine Holiday singing it…
Michael Main, founding artistic director - Arts Chorale of Winchester (VA)
CD Review
Averitt shapes, modulates and manipulates the underlying pulse… these musical effects… combined with the powerful imagery of the poetry, conjure up complex, conflicted emotional experiences over which the choral lines lay out like in a dream. …
Cameron LaBarr, conductor – Missouri State University
CD Review
The text painting is powerfully composed as the piece progresses with homophonic chords of stark beauty… the text painting is quite striking.
The Choral Room, Choral Newsletter
Paul Crabb, conductor – University of Missouri
Publication Review
This work is a wonderful addition to the repertoire for flute, cello, and piano. The settings of the songs are quite imaginative, spreading the melodies throughout the ensemble, and utilizing jazzy harmonies, changing meters and syncopation to give fresh life to these familiar tunes.
NACWPI Journal
Performance Review
… the crowning jewel of this extraordinary evening.
translated from Gmünder Post
CD Review
… a quite attractive work, superbly crafted and ingenuously worked-out.
Music Web UK
CD Review
All in all, it is a moving piece of music.
The American Record Guide
CD Review
… richly evocative, well-crafted and clearly meant to be listened to.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch
Performance Review
At the beginning he merges the two in sheets of thin, icy legato supported by rippling piano effects. At the end the sonorities evoke a squawky honky-tonk and the rough march-like melodic style of Kurt Weill.
The New York Times
Performance Review
... a finely-wrought piece of atonal (and modal) impressionism… its effect was hypnotic.
The Springfield [VA] Independent
Performance Review
… attractive sonorities that bid for one's attention throughout.
The Alanta Journal
Performance Review
... unique and effective… definitely deserves attention.
The Atlanta Marquee